
Encrypt files and folders

Backup and share work files online easily


Use strong AES encryption

  • to secure your sensitive or personal data on your computer and decrease damage from hacking or laptop loss
  • to backup them online safely and have a peace of mind
  • to share your files with your colleagues or clients easily and securely.

Use PGP compatible files format

With Encipher it, you can encrypt your files in a OpenPGP-compatible format, so your friends and colleagues, who use PGP-compatible encryption software, can decrypt them.

All this ease and comfort for you is possible, because Encipher it comes with a proven, open-source encryption tool GnuGP to secure your data.

Attach files to encrypt them with Encipher It

Press the 'Attach file' button to encrypt them with Encipher It

After install, you need to:

  • launch the app
  • press the "Advanced" button
  • choose "Attach file"
  • select the files you want to protect (documents, PDF, etc)
  • enter or paste a text message
  • press the "Encipher it" button
  • enter your encryption password and then press:


  • "Save it" to save the file to your hard drive or USB stick and send it as an email attachment
  • "Share it" to upload your encrypted files to the cloud and share the link securely via Gmail or "Copy" it to the clipboard to share it via your email client